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3.4.1 Python 2.3.2

Download the file Python-2.3.2.tgz from the Python homepage:

Execute the following commands:

Python is then installed into /DESTINATION-PATH/bin/

Add the PATH for Python to the environment variable, e.g. for the tcsh edit the .cshrc file in the home directory and add the following line:


e.g.: setenv PATH /home/smueller/LABOCA/Python/bin:$PATH

Or you can define an alias:

alias python2.3.2 '/DESTINATION-PATH/bin/python'

e.g.: alias python2.3.2 '/home/smueller/LABOCA/Python/bin/python'

Then run the command source /home/USERNAME/.cshrc to activate your changes or open a new terminal window.

The time needed to install Python 2.3.2 on a PIII 500/,MHz with 128/,MB RAM was aproximately 20/,min.

Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10