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3.4.4 pgplot

Installation of pgplot ( tjp/pgplot/)

You can download the source code file pgplot5.2.tar.gz from

Execute the following commands:

(De)select the (un)wished drivers with the # sysmnol or download testet list from

Usefull but not needed for pgplot:

Set the environment variables:

UNIX csh: setenv PGPLOT_DIR /usr/local/pgplot/
UNIX sh: PGPLOT_DIR=''/usr/local/pgplot/ls''; export PGPLOT_DIR put this for example into /etc/bashrc (root rights required) or as user put it into your .cshrc or .bashrc files

More informations can be found on the following website: tjp/pgplot/faq.html

Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10