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5.7 Scripts

As BoA provides the full functionality of python this allows the use of scripts. Scripts can be run with the execfile() function where the name of the file has to be given as string argument. The suffix of the file is arbitry.

Example: If you want to have a look at the time series of channels 10 to 30 succesively, create the following script with your preferred editor. Note that in python the contents of the for loop (like if blocks, method definitions, etc.) have to be indented.

indir('../Fits/')      # set the input directory 
read('3543')         # read file 3543.fits
op()                   # open graphic display
for i in range(10,31): # start a for loop, the indentation in the
                       # following lines is mandatory 
  sig([i])             # plot time series 
  raw_input()          # wait for <Return>

To run the script type:


Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10