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6.3.10 plot limits

pl(ot) lim(its) xLeft xRight yBot yTop


(float) xLeft = x-value of left corner
(float) xRight= x-value of right corner
(float) yBot = y-value of bottom corner
(float) yTop = y-value of top corner

Set the plotting limits. In case a value is replaced by * the software automatically determines the global extremum and uses it as limit. The extrema are derived for the given list of channels only.


lim 100 200 600 700
lim 123.4 567.8: use given limits for x and intrinsic limits for y
lim * * 253 987: use given limits for y and intrinsic limits for x
lim 12 * * *
lim * 34 * 298
lim *: use intrinsic limits for everything
lim ?: get current limits

Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10