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6.5.3 General attribute keywords

The following list contains all general attribute keywords:
= character height. The character height scales the size of text, graph markers and tickmarks. It is given in multiples of about 1/40 the height of the view surface.

= colour index. The colour index is an integer in the range 0 to a device-dependent maximum. The default colour index is 1, usually white on a black background for monitor displays or black on a white background for printed hardcopies. Colour index 0 corresponds to the background colour. If the requested color index is not available on the selected device, colour index 1 will be used.

= character string coordinates. Sets the location of a character string along the specified edge of the corresponding viewport, as a fraction of the length of the edge.

= displacement. Scales the displacement of a character string or a wedge from the specified edge of the corresponding viewport, measured outwards from the viewport in units of the character height. Use a negative value to write inside the viewport, a positive value to write outside.

= character string justification. Controls justification of a string parallel to the specified edge of the corresponding viewport.
fjust = 0.0: the left-hand end of the string will be placed at coord;
fjust = 0.5: the center of the string will be placed at coord;
fjust = 1.0: the right-hand end of the string will be placed at coord.
Other values between 0 and 1 give inter-mediate placing.

= line style. The line style is an integer in the range 1 to 5 with the following codes:
1: full line
2: dashed
3: dot-dash-dot-dash
4: dotted
5: dash-dot-dot-dot
The line style does not affect graph markers, text, or area fill.

= line width. The line width is specified in units of 1/200 (0.005) inch (about 0.13 mm) and must be an integer in the range 1-201. This parameter affects lines, graph markers and text.

= graph marker symbol. The graph marker is an integer with the following codes:
-1, -2 : a single dot (diameter = line width)
-3..-31 : a regular polygon with ABS(symbol) edges (style set by fill style)
0..31 : standard marker symbols
32..127 : ASCII characters (in current font)
127..4000 : a Hershey symbol number

= width (used for wedges only). Sets the total width of a wedge including annotation, in units of the character height.

= x-coordinate of left hand. xleft, xright, ybot and ytop specify the size and position of the viewport in normalised device coordinates. Normalised device coordinates run from 0 to 1 in each dimension. The viewport is the rectangle on the view surface "through" which one views the graph.

= x-coordinate of right hand. (See xleft.)

= y-coordinate of bottom edge. (See xleft.)

= y-coordinate of top edge. (See xleft.)

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Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10