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6.5.5 Parameter list

Not any combination of general attribute and object keyword is effectively reasonable. Table 6 compiles the defined parameters that may actually be changed by the user sorted by object keyword.

Table 6: List of all float and integer parameters.
ciBox colour index of box
lsBox line style of box
lwBox line width of box
chCaption character height of caption
ciCaption colour index of caption
coordCaption string coordinates of caption
dispCaption displacement of caption
fjustCaption string justification of caption
ciChanNum colour index of channel numbering
coordChanNum string coordinates of channel numbering
dispChanNum displacement of channel numbering
fjustChanNum string justification of channel numbering
ciCont colour index of contours
lsCont line style of contours
lwCont line width of contours
ciData colour index of data lines
lsData line style of data lines
lwData line width of data lines
leftxGloVP left x-coordinate of global viewport
rightxGloVP right x-coordinate of global viewport
botyGloVP bottom y-coordinate of global viewport
topyGloVP top y-coordinate of global viewport
chLabelX character height of x-label
ciLabelX colour index of x-label
coordLabelX string coordinates of x-label
dispLabelX displacement of x-label
fjustLabelX string justification of x-label
chLabelY character height of y-label
ciLabelY colour index of y-label
coordLabelY string coordinates of y-label
dispLabelY displacement of y-label
fjustLabelY string justification of y-label
chPoint character height of data points
ciPoint colour index of data points
symbolPoint marker symbol of data points
chWedge character height of wedge
ciWedge colour index of wedge
dispWedge displacement of wedge
lsWedge line style of wedge
lwWedge line width of wedge
widthWedge width of wedge

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Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10