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8.17 MamboMBFits:

MamboMBFits: $<$

  DES: Objects of this class contain two attributes of the FitsFile
  class. The 'Mambo' attribute stores the data as they appear in a
  MAMBO FITS file, and the 'MBfits' attribute contains the data in
  the MB-FITS format. Methods to do conversions in both directions
  are provided by this class.


NAM: (file)
DES: this module defines the MamboMBFits class, which contains both
a Mambo fits file  and an MB-Fits file, and  provides methods to do
conversions between these two formats.
VER: 24.05.2004
HIS: 17.02.2004  F. Schuller      Initial version
     17.02.2004 Initial version, from merging  of the mambo2MBFits
                and MB2MamboFits modules

  17-18.02.2004 Complete  restructuration  of the code  to a  more
                object-oriented style. Definition of a MamboMBFits
                class that contains two attributes of the FitsFile 
                class, and  provides methods to  do conversions in
                both directions. The code  to do these conversions
                has been split to many sub-functions.
     27.02.2004 More stuff related to coordinates is now converted
                from Mambo to MB-FITS
     01.03.2004 Same  stuff (Astronomical  basis  frame) converted
                from MB-FITS to Mambo
     09.03.2004 More stuff converted.  Changes (also in Mambo.xml)
                to allow  the use of 'Ok'  rather than 'None'  for
                keywords that are "manually" processed
     10.03.2004 Implemented the convertFebepar method
     11.03.2004 More keywords converted: FREQUENC, TELSIZM...
     18.03.2004 Add conversion of  Fast Scanning observations from
                MAMBO to MB-FITS
     19.03.2004 The same for converting from MB-FITS to MAMBO
     06.05.2004 Adapted for use within BoA
     12.05.2004 Some small corrections for BoA
     24.05.2004 Some corrections to work with real APEX files
        09.2004 a few more corrections after observing at APEX
     FS050202   minor modif. for compatibility with APEX control PC


Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10