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8.18.9 fitBase2DGauss(mapArray,x,y,err=1.0,fwhm=11.0,gradient=1):

fitBase2DGauss $<$ Timing: $<$

    NAM: fitBase2DGauss (method)
    DES: fits a 2D Gaussian + 1st order base surface
    INP: (arrays) (x,y,mapArray,err)  : the data to fit (arrays of same dimension(s))
         (2els arrays) sizeX/Y : alternative to the x/y array, this limit the size of the
                                 mapArray given as regular gridding between the center
                                 of the two extreme pixels
         (float)         fwhm  : the first guess for the fwhm
         (logical)   gradient  : should we also fit a gradient in the map (default no) ?
    OUT: a dictionnary containning the results of the fit
         check 'status' and 'errmsg' to see if the fit was done correctly
         then for each parameters (see the parname variable below) you have the
         'value' 'error' and 'limits' for the fit

Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10