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8.19.1 ksmooth(image,ii,jj,kernel,ngg)

ksmooth $<$ Module name missing $<$ fUtilities.f90

! NAM: ksmooth (subroutine)
! DES: Smooth an image with a given kernel 
!      the kernel should have a squared support with odd dimension
! INP: 
!      image : input rank-2 array('f') with bounds (ii,jj); ii>1,jj>1
!      kernel  input rank-2 array('f') with bounds (ngg,ngg); ngg have to be odd and >1
! OUT: 
!      image : rank-2 array('f') with bounds (ii,jj). 


! NAM: safeExp (subroutine)
! DES: Attempt to create a fast exponential for python

Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10