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Next: 8.4.11 basePolySubscan(self,channel=-1,phase=-1,order=1,subtract=1,plot=0): Up: 8.4 DataAna(BoaDataEntity.DataEntity): Previous: 8.4.9 correlate(self,phase=-1,channel=1,plot=1):

8.4.10 snf(self,phase=-1,channel=1,subtract=1,wa=0.95,wb=1.0):

snf $<$ DataAna(BoaDataEntity.DataEntity): $<$

    NAM: snf (method)  
    DES: compute correlated noise and subtract it from data
         currently for only one specified channel and phase
	 (i) channel  =  reference channel for which CN is computed
         (i) phase    =  0,1,2
         (l) subtract =  1 or 0; subtract CN or not
         (f) wa       =  parameter for weights, usually = 0.90-0.98
         (f) wb       =  parameter for weights, usually = 1

Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10