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Next: 8.5 DataEntity: Up: 8.4 DataAna(BoaDataEntity.DataEntity): Previous: 8.4.12 basePoly(self,channel=-1,phase=-1,order=1,subtract=1,plot=0):

8.4.13 addPoly(self,channel=0,phase=1,poly=[10.,0.,10.,10.]):

addPoly $<$ DataAna(BoaDataEntity.DataEntity): $<$

    NAM: addPoly (method)  
    DES: add polynomial baseline
         (int)      channel  =  channel. for -1 all channels. first channel=0
         (int)      phase    =  phase to be used. For -1 all. else: 0,1,2
         (int)      poly     =  polynomial coefficients, relative to
                                current mean and rms

Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10