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Next: 8.4.5 flagLST(self,channel=-1,phase=-1,below='?',above='?',flag=1): Up: 8.4 DataAna(BoaDataEntity.DataEntity): Previous: 8.4.3 unflag(self,channel=-1,phase=-1,flag=1):

8.4.4 flag(self,channel=-1,phase=-1,below=2,above=2):

flag $<$ DataAna(BoaDataEntity.DataEntity): $<$

    NAM: flag (method)  
    DES: Flag yet unflagged data below 'below'*rms and above 'above'*rms.
	 Might want to change to allow for list of channels
         (i) channel  =  -1: all channels; 0=first channel
         (i) phase    =  -1: all; else: 0,1,2
         (f) below    = flag data with value < 'below'*rms
	 (f) above    = flag data with value > 'above'*rms

Frank Bertoldi 2005-11-10