*** Captions for animations *** Movie file: SPHX100_inialign.avi (Figure 1): Description: Animation of a the data shown in Figure 1 in the article. The "camera" is pointing constantly in the initial face-on direction while following the star. -- Movie file: SPHX100_host.avi Description: The same model as movie file 1, but this time the "camera" is pointing at the center of the target disc, and has a larger field of view. The passing star with its disc can be seen capturing material from the target cloud, and also causing strong perturbations on it. -- Movie file: SPHX100_multicolour.avi Like SPHX100_inialign, but with more detailed colour coding to enhance estimation of column density changes. -- Movie file: SPHX103.avi Like SPHX100_inialign, but with different encounter parameters. Eccentricity = 1.5 Bullet disc plane z-x-z Euler angles/deg= 0, 165, 60, i.e. disc initially near retrograde. Other parameters remain unchanged.