reset set term push #### Generate test data file testframes*.tmp set isosamples 100,100 # w=2.; dw=0.5; ndw=5 set xrange [-w:w]; set yrange [-w:w] set xtics dw; set mxtics ndw; set ytics dw; set mytics ndw set cbrange [0:0.4] set cbtics 0.05; set mcbtics 5 f(x,y)=1./sqrt(2.*pi)*exp(-0.5*(x*x+y*y)) set table 'testframes1.tmp' splot f(x,y) set table 'testframes2.tmp' splot f(x**2,y**2) set table 'testframes3.tmp' splot f(sqrt(abs(x)),sqrt(abs(y))) set table 'testframes4.tmp' splot f(abs(x)**0.25,abs(y)**0.25) set table 'testframes5.tmp' splot f(x,sqrt(abs(y))) set table 'testframes6.tmp' splot f(x,1./sqrt(y*y+0.01)) unset table ######## MPLAYOUT PARAMS ############################################### #### Basic layout settings (used by ## Graph shape xpcanv= 12. #plotting canvas size x (set to 0 to scale from y and q) ypcanv= 0. #plotting canvas size y (set to 0 to scale from x and q) ## Graph partition ncols =2 # number of columns nrows =3 # number of rows ## Frame shape qratio=1. # desired aspect ratio y/x ## Overall margins lmgadd=0.15; rmgadd=0.25; tmgadd=0.01; bmgadd=0.10 ## Subframe margins lmgsub=0.; rmgsub=0.; tmgsub=0.; bmgsub=0.# No submargins as default #lmgsub=0.05; rmgsub=0.05; tmgsub=0.05; bmgsub=0.05#under construction ## title label params flgabc=2 # 1: numbers, 2: lower-case, 3: upper-case, 0: off flgparenth=0 # 0: user-def, 1: (*), 2: [*], 3: <*>, else: off lparenth="";rparenth=")" rgbabc="#ffff00" # label color xnlbl=0.05; ynlbl=0.95 # label position in subframe #### Apply to mplayout now load '' #### Subframe settings (used by flgrcorder=1 #xlabeltext="x"; ylabeltext="y" xlabeltext="{/Symbol f}"; ylabeltext="{/Symbol q}" flgxlabel=1; flgxticlabels=1 flgylabel=1; flgyticlabels=1 ######################################################################## #### Terminal definitions set term postscript eps enhanced color size xcanvas cm, ycanvas cm font "Helvetica,24" #set term postscript eps enhanced color size xcanvas cm, ycanvas cm font "Hershey/Simplex Script,24" #### Labels and formats set format x ""; set format y "" unset xlabel; unset ylabel; unset cblabel #set size ratio -1 set border front lc rgb '#000000'; set tics in front unset colorbox #### Optional use of the Color Manager or Cube Helix #load '' #load '' #### Set output file set output 'testframes.eps' ######## PLOTTING ######## #### Restore range settings (in case of being disrupted by test scripts above) set xrange [-w:w]; set yrange [-w:w] set xtics dw; set mxtics ndw; set ytics dw; set mytics ndw set multiplot ## Plot 1 load '' plot 'testframes1.tmp' using 1:2:3 notitle with image#;unset object 1 ## Plot 2 load '' plot 'testframes2.tmp' using 1:2:3 notitle with image ## Plot 3 load '' plot 'testframes3.tmp' using 1:2:3 notitle with image ## Plot 4 load '' plot 'testframes4.tmp' using 1:2:3 notitle with image ## Plot 5 load '' plot 'testframes5.tmp' using 1:2:3 notitle with image ## Plot 6 #c=2;r=3 load '' #set cbtics in set cblabel "Colorlabel" offset 0.0,0.0# font "Helvetica,18"# tc rgb '#000000' #set colorbox horiz user origin lmgtot,bmgtot+1.08*hgraph size wgraph,0.04*hgraph front #set colorbox horiz user origin lmgtot,(1.-1.08*hgraph) size wgraph,0.04*hgraph front #set colorbox horiz user origin lmgtot,bmgtot-0.08 size wgraph,0.04*hgraph front set colorbox vert user origin 1.-rmgtot+0.02,bmgtot size 0.04,hgraph front #set format x ""; unset xlabel #set format y ""; unset ylabel #show xlabel; show ylabel plot 'testframes6.tmp' using 1:2:3 notitle with image #show cblabel unset multiplot set term pop