Brief description of the images: The images named "formation*" refer to the standard planet formation model, i.e. without any external perturbation. A protostellar cloud (formation1; of the size of e.g. the central region of the Orion Nebula, or some of these dense clouds in the Carina Nebula) fragments, i.e. breaks apart into several gravitationally bound sub-clouds or clumps (formation2). formation3: Such a clump continues to collapse under gravity, and since it always has some initial spin the rotation becomes faster and faster -- just like the water in a bathtub when it rushes towards the drain. This leads to a flattening in shape (formation4). formation5+6: In the central region forms a clump containing most of the mass -- the protostar. The surrounding disc contains typically a few per cent of the total mass (initially up to a few tens of percent, but most of this gets lost by stellar winds, brown dwarf formation [Thies et al. 2010], close encounters etc.), but it contains most of the angular momentum -- the protoplanetary disc. formation7-9 show the formation of protoplanets in the disc and, finally, the planetary system, like the Solar System (although this simple model already fails to explain the observed 7 degree inclination between the planetary orbits and the solar equator). Images "encounter*" shows the scenario of a star+disc encountering a dense clump of gas, and capturing material from it. "annulus1" depicts the situation directly after the encounter, while "annulus2" shows the situation about 30,000 years after the encounter when disc and annulus have aligned to each other. "inclined*" illustrate the formation of a planetary system out of this combined disc in three steps: 1. the disc resulting from the merger of the initial disc and the captured gas annulus, 2. clumping of dust (or gravitational instability in massive discs) leads to protoplanets, and 3. the resulting planetary system. Note that (inclined4) the star spins still in (almost) the same direction as before the encounter. "ejection*" and "kozai*" show two possible scenarios of a hot Jupiter formation event in their simplest form. I. Ejection: 1. two (or more) planets interact gravitationally, 2. one (typically the least massive one) gets ejected while the other remains on a now eccentric orbit with less energy than initially. 3. Over time, the tidal interaction with the star itself reduce the orbit to a circular orbit with a radius similar to the former peri-astron radius. The henceforth very close orbit (several stellar radii) gets tidally locked to the stellar rotation (like the Moon's rotation is tidally locked with its orbit around the Earth). Such orbits can be very close to the star, i.e. we have a "hot Jupiter". II. Kozai: 1. the two planets do not interact that strongly as in the ejection scenario, (2.) but over a long time their orbits are in resonance and oscillate between high mutual inclination and high eccentricity. This effect is strongest for the inner planet, since due to the smaller angular momentum of its smaller orbit the orbit is easier deformed. 3. As above, tidal damping leads to a "hot Jupiter" again. Finally, "system*" are example cartoons for a 1. regular planetary system like ours and 2. a system with mutually inclined planetary orbits as a possible extreme case for the outcome of our scenario (which may render the system unstable over time). Additional images: rmleffect1 and 2 describe the Rossiter-McLaughlin-Effect which allows the detection of spin-orbit misalignments for transiting exoplanets. When a planet passes in front of its host star it obscures a small area of the star along its (projected) path. Due to the stellar rotation one side of the stellar disc (i.e. the 2-D projection of the star as it appears to an observer) is moving towards us and is therefore blue-shifted by the Doppler effect. The opposite side moves away from us and is red-shifted. A prograde orbiting planet first obstructs the blue-shifted part, so that the sum colour is biased slightly to the not obstructed red-shifted side. Then, the planet continues to hide progressively red-shifted areas of the star, making its remaining light be biased towards blue-shift. This can be detected by sensitive spectrographs. If this sequence occurs the other way round, i.e. first a blue bias, then a red bias, the planet has a retrograde orbit. Inclined orbits can be detected this way as well, although the analysis is a bit more complex than for mere detection of retrograde orbits. There are JPG and PNG versions of all images.