History of Astronomy : Meetings

History of Astronomy Conference Calendar 2002

The following conferences and meetings of interest for historians of astronomy have also been listed in Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy.

January 6-10, Washington, DC, USA
199th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Session 1. HAD I: New Views of Historical Research in the 21st Century
Session 15. HAD IV: New Views of Historical Topics
Session 31. HAD II: The Development of American Astrophysics: Ideas, Instruments, Observatories and Astronomers
Session 40. HAD III: Some Controversies in the History of Astronomy
Registration: AAS 199th Meeting, American Astronomical Society, 2000 Florida Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20009-1231, USA, Tel: 202-328-2010, FAX: 202-234-7850, E-mail: reg-help@aas.org
URL: http://www.aas.org/meetings/aas199/program/

January 18, Vienna, Austria
Colloquium on the history of astronomy at Kuffner Observatory
Contacts: Peter Habison, Kuffner-Sternwarte, Johann Staud-Strasse 10, 1160 Wien, Austria, Phone: +43 1 9148130, Fax: +43 1 9148130/31 e-mail: phabison@kuffner.ac.at

February 15, Rome, Italy
Conference: "Giordano Bruno: Philosopher of Nola"
Contacts: Caroline Howard, American Academy in Rome, Via Angelo Masina 5, 00153 Rome, Italy, tel. 39-06-5846459
URL: http://www.aarome.org/events_bruno.htm

April 11-13, Tempe, AZ, USA
Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America
Session: Ancient Science in the Renaissance
All scientific fields are considered, from natural and physical sciences to mathematics and astronomy, for example, including medicine and pharmacy, as well as astrology and alchemy.
Contacts: Alan Touwaide, e-mail: atouwaide@hotmail.com
See also this Announcement

May, Brest, France
L'histoire du calcul des longitudes
[History of the Calculation of Longitudes for Navigation]
Contacts: Prof. Vincent Jullien, UBO, UFR sciences et techniques, 6 av. Le Gorgeu, BP 809, 29285, Brest Cedex, France, e-mail: vjullien@wanadoo.fr
See also this Announcement (in French)

May 8-11, Nsukka, Nigeria
Ethnoastronomy in the West African Sub-Region
Contacts: Johnson Urama, e-mail: johnson@hartrao.ac.za
URL: http://www.hartrao.ac.za/conferences/ethno2002/ethno2002.html
For further information, see the announcement in ENHA 48, Item 3.

May 24-25, Paris, France
Figures de l'antinewtonianisme/Faces of anti-Newtonianism, 1672-1832
Contacts: Philippe Hamou, e-mail: PhilippeHamou@aol.com, or Neil Ribe, ribe@ipgp.jussieu.fr
For further information, see the announcement in ENHA 48, Item 4.

May 30 - June 2, Nuremberg, Germany
Annual Meeting of the Sundial Working Group [Arbeitskreises Sonnenuhren] in the German Chronometric Society [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chronometrie]
Contacts: Ludwig Engelhardt, Hohenzollernstr. 38, 90475 Nuernberg, Germany, Phone (0911) 837445, Fax (0911) 9837579, e-mail: nbg@planet-interkom.de

June 22, Oakland, CA, USA
NCHALADA LXI - Northern California Historical Astronomy Luncheon and Discussion Association
Contacts: Norm Sperling, 413 Poinsettia Avenue, San Mateo, California 94403, USA, tel.: 650-573-7125, e-mail: nsperling@california.com
URL: http://www.nchalada.org/archive/NCHALADA_LXI.html

June 26-29, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sixth International Conference on the History of General Relativity
Contacts: A.J. Kox, e-mail: kox@science.uva.nl
URL: http://soliton.science.uva.nl/~kox/HGR6.html

June 29, Oxford, United Kingdom
Society for the History of Astronomy: Founding Meeting
Contacts: Stuart Williams, e-mail: flamsteed@v21mail.co.uk
URL: http://www.historyofastronomy.fsworld.co.uk/

July 2-5, Cheongju, Korea
Astronomical Instruments and Archives from the Asia-Pacific Region
Contacts: Prof. Nha Il Seong, e-mail: slisnha@chollian.net
URL: http://nhamuseum.org/conference2002/

July 2-5, Prague, Czech Republic
LISA IV: Library and Information Services in Astronomy
Some papers on historical subjects.
Contacts: Marek Wolf, e-mail: wolf@mbox.cesnet.cz
URL: http://lisa4.cuni.cz/

September 9-14, Athens, Greece
XXI Scientific Instrument Symposium
Contacts: Eftymios Nicolaidis (e-mail: efnicol@eie.gr) and Giorgi Vlahakis (e-mail: gvlahakis@eie.gr), National Helenic Research Foundation, Vassileos Constantinou 48, 11635 Athens, Greece
URLs: http://www.sic.iuhps.org/conf2002/, http://www.weblab.gr/hasi/sic2002/

September 23-25, Nuremberg, Germany
X Symposium of the International Coronelli Society for the Study of Globes
Contacts: International Coronelli Society, c/o Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Vienna, Austria, Fax: +43-1-53410319, e-mail: vincenzo@coronelli.org
URL: http://www.coronelli.org/x-symposium.html

September 27-28, Berlin, Germany
Geschichte und Perspektiven der Astronomiegeschichtsschreibung
[History and perspectives of the historiography of astronomy]
Contacts: Dr. Klaus-Dieter Herbst, e-mail: HChicygni@aol.com
URL: http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/berlin2002/

October 4-6, Marseille, France
History of astronomy in Marseille and Provence
Contacts: Dr. James Caplan, e-mail: patrimoine@oamp.fr
URL: http://www-obs.cnrs-mrs.fr/patrimoine/om300.html

November 8-12, Salem, MA, USA
Nathaniel Bowditch and the Art and Science of Navigation, 1802-2002
Contacts: Dr. Dane Morrison, e-mail: dane.morrison@salemstate.edu
URL: http://www.nathanielbowditch.org/programs/institute/
See also the announcement in ENHA 48, Item 5.

For general history of science meetings and conferences see also: History of science: Meetings.

For general astronomical meetings and conferences see also: International Astronomy Conferences and Meetings.

Wolfgang R. Dick. Created: 22 June 2001. Latest update: 30 Aug 2002