IAU Commission 41 : Meetings

XXIV General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union

Joint Discussion 6 on "Applied Historical Astronomy"

Manchester, UK, August 11, 2000

Proposing Commission: C 41 (History of Astronomy)
Participating Commissions: 4 (Ephemerides), 19 (Rotation of the Earth), 20 (Positions and Motions of Minor Planets, Comets and Satellites)
Supporting Divisions: Division I (Fundamental Astronomy), Division II (The Sun and Heliosphere), Division III (Planetary System Sciences)

Scientific Organizing Committee: Richard Stephenson (UK, Chair), S. Ansari (India), S. Dick (USA), O. Gingerich (USA), M. Hoskin (UK), Nha Il-Seong (South Korea), W. Orchiston (New Zealand), M. Standish (USA), W. T. Sullivan III (USA), D. Yeomans (USA)

Editors of Proceedings: F.R. Stephenson & S.J. Dick

Contact address: F.R. Stephenson, Dept of Physics, University of Durham, South Rd, Durham DH1 3LE, UK Tel.: +44 191 374 2153+; Fax: +44 191 374 3749; E-mail: f.r.stephenson@durham.ac.uk


a.m. Chair: Steven J. Dick
9.00 F. Richard Stephenson (UK): Overview
9.20 David Brown (UK): "Babylonian observations"
9.40 F. Richard Stephenson (UK): "East Asian observations"
10.00 Louay J. Fatoohi (UK): "Arab observations"
10.20 Discussion
10.30 Coffee
10.40 Wayne Orchiston (New Zealand): "Southern Hemisphere Observations"
11.00 S. M. Razaullah Ansari (India): "Practical astronomy in Indo-Persian sources"
11.20 E. Myles Standish (USA): "Early observations and modern ephemerides"
11.40 Y. B. Kolesnik (Russia): "Secular variation of planetary orbital elements"
12.00 J. M. Brooke et al. (UK): The importance of spatial information in sunspot records
12.20 Discussion
12.30 Lunch

p.m. Chair: F. Richard Stephenson
14.00 Leslie V. Morrison (UK): "Ancient eclipses and Earth's rotation"
14.20 Dennis D. McCarthy (USA): "Earth orientation since AD 1600"
14.40 Donald K. Yeomans (USA): "Creating cometary models using ancient Chinese data"
15.00 Mark E. Bailey (Ireland): "Historical variability of the interplanetary complex"
15.20 D. V. Hoyt (USA): "Early Telescopic Sunspot Records"
15.40 Discussion
16.00 David W. Hughes (UK): "Comet fluxes: an indicator of historic astronomical activity"
16.20 David M. Willis et al. (UK): "Scientific interpretation of historical auroral records"
16.40 David A. Green (UK): "The remnants of historical supernovae"
17.00 Discussion
17.15 W. T. Sullivan (USA): Overview
17.30 Close

Abstracts of talks

Poster papers

The Transit of Venus of 1874: the Italian mission to Muddapur in the south-east of India: L. Pigatto et al. (Italy)
Observations from Sarmizegetusa Sanctuary: M. Barbosu (Romania)
Dyonisius Exiguus - the Father of the Christian Era Was Born in Romanian Territory: Magda Stavinschi (Romania)
History of cometary exploration at Kyiv University: K. I. Churyumov (Ukraine)
Akademische Sternkarten, Berlin 1830-59: D.H.P. Jones (UK)
History of Astronomy in Ukraine: A. Korsun (Ukraine)
Data revision of Babylonian and Arabian lunar and solar eclipse observations used in Newcomb's researches: V. Protitch-Benishek et al. (Yugoslavia)

Abstracts of posters

For more information (conference fee, registration etc.), see the Web site of the XXIVth IAU General Assembly.

For questions concerning IAU Comm. 41, please contact F. Richard Stephenson

For questions concerning layout and links, please contact Wolfgang R. Dick

Created: 5 Apr 2000. Latest update: 26 July 2000