IAU Commission 41 : Working Groups

IAU Commission 41

The Transits of Venus Working Group

At the 2000 General Assembly of the IAU in Manchester, the following Resolution was adopted at the C41 Business Meeting:

"Recognizing the historical importance of previous transits of Venus and the numerous transit of Venus expeditions mounted by various countries, and
Noting the rarity of the upcoming transits in 2004 and 2012
Commission 41 Recommends that the sites of previous transit of Venus expeditions be inventoried, marked and preserved, as well as instrumentation and documents associated with these expeditions."

In order to take this Resolution forward, a Transits of Venus WG was formed, with the additional aims of assembling a bibliography of existing publications relating to all transits of Venus, and encouraging colleagues to carry out further research and to publish their results. A WG Meeting is planned for the 2003 General Assembly in Sydney so that colleagues can report on their work.

The Committee members of this WG are: Dr Wayne Orchiston (Australia – Chair, e-mail: wo@aaoepp.aao.gov.au), Dr Steven Dick (USA), Professor Alex Gurshtein (Russia) and Professor Rajesh Kochhar (India).

For questions concerning IAU Comm. 41, please contact F. Richard Stephenson.
For questions concerning layout and links, please contact Wolfgang R. Dick.
Created: 6 Dec 2001