Particle Astrophyiscs and Cosmology

U. Klein H.P. Nilles N. Wermes



cosmology = astronomy + particle physics + thermodymanics ...

reasons and evidences for BB-ansatz, some numbers, Hubble

expansion, redshift (naive), Hubble law (naive), CMB intro (very short), Olbers Paradox,

Standard Cosmology


cosmological Principle, curved space, space-time-metric, Robertson-Walker-metric, redshift, Hubble law, scale factor, distance measures, age determinations

world models

Friedman – cosmology (L =0), Einstein’s field eqns, Friedman-eqns, special models (Einstein de Sitter, etc.), critical density, density parameter, deceleration parameter, W , expansion rate and behaviour in early and late universe (only mention it)

the cosmological constant

L ¹ 0, supernova watch, extension to Friedman eqns, cosmic sum rule, cosmic triangle, exponential solutions for dominant L (inflation)

problems of the standard cosmology


Particle Physics

standard model (short), lepton sector, quark sector, CKM, symmetry breaking, Higgs mechanism, running couplings, U(1) problem, axions, CP-violation, problems of the standard model,

supersymmetry, GUTs,

key experiments to what we know about the standard model

some LEP results, colour

Thermodynamics in the Universe

energy density and pressure, eqn. of state, extreme cases (matter or radiation dominance), expansion rate and behaviour in early and late universe (calculate it), entropy, quantum statistics (degrees of freedom), energy and number densities, neutrino decoupling, phase transitions, reheating, BB evolution as a sequence of phase transitions,



light elements abundances, role of deuterium, measurements

Cosmic Microwave Background

CMB observations (COBE, MAXIMA, Boomerang), spectrum, sound waves, l-peaks, SZ-effect, evolution of fluctuations


Dark Matter

galaxy rot. curves, lensing, CMB anisotropy (short, results only), xray halos, machos, wimps


Inflation Scenarios

need for inflationary models (flatness, horizon, smoothness, monopole problem) standard inflation (Guth), higgs field, chaotic inflation (Linde), reheating, wormholes, quintessence


Structure Formation

evolution of fluctuations, hot and cold matter scenarios


Theoretical Advances, included in other chapters ?

superstrings, what else ?