
How to generate the BoA documentation using Doxygen

First steps

Basic Information

boa-config-030807 is the config file for Doxygen which contains all the setup, input and output information. It is currently configured to do the following main things:

Next Steps

(i.e. steps you must follow before you're ready to produce the documentation INCLUDING APPENDICES ( i.e. using Doxygen)).

Final Steps

When you're ready to produce the documentation just type

in the ./doc directory (where ./doxygen_out, boa-config-030807 and boa_master_doc.tex must be located). This will produce output in the directory ./doxygen_out.

Note that if you haven't created the ./doxygen_out directory already Doxygen will create it for you, but this will not work because you won't have the correct style file (doxygen-mine.sty). Follow all the above steps first.

Do a make in doxygen_out and refman.pdf will be your final pdf documentation output. Check that it includes the appendices (if it doesn't, make sure you carried out the steps above)!

To produce the html version I simply used latex2html on the file refman.tex.

boawiki: Documentation/Internal (last edited 2009-12-17 15:40:25 by localhost)