= Who is BoA ? = Since 2002 BoA has been a team effort that involved a number of postdocs and PhD students at Bonn and Bochum. Much of the initial programming was done by Marcus and after his departure to Chile, Frederic and Alexandre have pushed the development. For the past year, Reinhold has worked on getting the installation, peripheral software, and fits issues resolved, and Cat edited the documentation. Since Cat moved to Leiden Reinhold takes over that task. Martin has been working on the PCA and imaging, and the pipeline for APEX-SZ. Frederic is the current BoA master expert, specifically on issues relating to LABOCA, incl. the pipeline scrips. We invite the users to cooperate in this project by contributing improved or new methods, and by identifying and resolving bugs. The core team has been: * '''Marcus Albrecht''' (AIfA - former Bochum Univ.): initial development * '''Alexandre Beelen''' (IAS Orsay - former MPIfR/AIfA) * '''Frank Bertoldi''' (AIfA Bonn): project coordination, skynoise filter * '''Martin Nord''' (AIfA/MPIfR): Principal component analysis, imaging, Gauss fit, ASZCa * '''Reinhold Schaaf''' (AIfA): installation, flagging, distribution * '''Frederic Schuller''' (MPIfR): LABOCA * '''Catherine Vlahakis''' (Leiden Univ. - former AIfA): documentation