The dance of stars: dense stellar systems from infant to old



June 2 - 6 2014, Bad Honnef, Germany




Please scroll below to find the day to day scientific program at Modest14. The talk titles are linked to the corresponding talk slides (in PDF format).






Each talk lasts for 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes discussions.


Dinner will take place each day 18:30 onwards followed by beer in the cellar of the Physikzentrum.


On Wednesday, we shall have a special dinner (the “Heraeus Abend”) in the cellar.


All talks will take place in the main lecture hall of the Physikzentrum.
The lecture hall is equipped with a "Windows" based PC where you can transfer your talk files ("Powerpoint" or PDF). You can also choose to connect your notebook (Mac or otherwise) to the projector ports. In particular, if you plan to present your talk using the "Keynote", you should do the latter.



The posters will be displayed in the lecture hall of the Physikzentrum.
In order to fit within the placards, the maximum size of a poster should be 120 cm (wide) x 150 cm (high). All the posters can be kept in display throughout the event.



Day to day program (June 2-6, 2014)


You can download a PDF version of the program (without the links) here.


Monday, June 2


Welcome and introductory remarks (09:00 - 09:30) [Kroupa, Banerjee]


birth of a star cluster: star-forming/starburst regions and young clusters [de Grijs]


Alison Sills (09:30 - 09:50)
The early evolution of stellar subclusters


Tea/coffee break (10:00 - 10:45)


Wolfgang Brandner (10:45 - 11:05)
Young Massive Star Clusters in the Milky Way


Sambaran Banerjee (11:15 - 11:35)
The formation of the NGC 3603 starburst cluster: monolithic starburst or hierarchical assembly?


Susanne Pfalzner (11:45 - 12:05)
What clusters do we see in the age range 3-10 Myr in the solar neighborhood?


Lunch break (12:15 - 13:45)


multiple stellar populations in globular clusters [Ferraro]


Enrico Vesperini (13:45 - 14:05)
Dynamical Evolution of Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters


Javier Alonso-Garcia (14:15 - 14:35)
Multiple stellar populations in Galactic globular clusters displayed by the Strömgren system


Giacomo Beccari (14:45 - 15:05)
Multiple stellar populations is massive star-burst clusters


Poster presentations (15:15 - 16:00) [Pfalzner]
(Click the above link to get the posters in PDF)


Tea/coffee break (16:00 - 16:30)


numerical methods of star-cluster simulations and associated hardware [Giersz]


Fred Rasio (16:30 - 16:50)
Globular Cluster Evolution with Monte Carlo and N-body Methods


Long Wang (17:00 - 17:20)
Acceleration of Nbody6++ and large N-body simulation of globular clusters




Tuesday, June 3


star clusters: structure and dynamical evolution [Pfalzner]


Douglas Heggie (09:00 - 09:20)
The escape rate in isolated systems


Richard de Grijs (09:30 - 09:50)
Rapid dynamical processes in the cores of young star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud


Helen Kirk (10:00 - 10:20)
Mass Segregation in Small Clusters


Tea/coffee break (10:30 - 11:15)


influence of external field on cluster evolution [Heggie]


Andreas Küpper (11:15 - 11:35)
The Influence of Eccentric Orbits on Cluster Evolution


Akram Hasani Zonoozi (11:45 - 12:05)
Direct N-body modeling of the young outer halo globular cluster Palomar 4: the eccentric orbit approach


Florent Renaud (12:15 - 12:35)
Simulations of star clusters in evolving galaxies: from infant to old


Lunch break (12:45 - 14:15)


nuclear star clusters [Aharon, Alonso-Garcia]


Roberto Capuzzo Dolcetta (14:15 - 14:35)
Globular Cluster-Massive Black Hole Interaction in Galactic Centers


Pau Amaro Seoane (14:45 - 15:05)
Sculpting the Galactic Center


Tea/coffee break (15:15 - 16:00)


Eugene Vasiliev (16:00 - 16:20)
A new Monte-Carlo method for dynamical evolution of non-spherical stellar systems


Ladislav Subr (16:30 - 16:50)
Two body relaxation of stellar disc around an SMBH


star clusters: chemical enrichment


Melvyn Davies (17:00 - 17:20)
Supernova enrichment and dynamical histories of solar-type stars in clusters




Wednesday, June 4


blue stragglers in globular clusters [Sills]


Francesco Ferraro (09:00 - 09:20)
Blue Straggler Stars in globular clusters as dynamical probes


Arkadiusz Hypki (09:30 - 09:50)
Properties of blue straggler populations in evolving star clusters based on the MOCCA dynamical simulations


Mirko Simunovic (10:00 - 10:20)
The Triple Blue Straggler Star Sequence in NGC 1261: A New Laboratory for Stellar Collision and Blue Straggler Formation Models


Tea/coffee break (10:30 - 11:15)


birth of a star cluster: star-forming/starburst regions and young clusters [De Silva]


Genevieve Parmentier (11:15 - 11:35)
Local-Density Driven Clustered Star Formation: Model and Implications


Soren Larsen (11:45 - 12:05)
The YMC - Globular Cluster link


Carsten Weidner (12:15 - 12:35)
Isolated versus clustered formation of massive stars


Lunch break (12:45 - 14:15)


multiple stellar populations in globular clusters: kinematic signatures [Vesperini]


Alessandra Mastrobuono Battisti (14:15 - 14:35)
Evolution of second generation stars in stellar disks of globular and nuclear clusters


Maureen van den Berg (14:45 - 15:05)
Interacting binary populations in old open and globular clusters as seen by Chandra


Tea/coffee break (15:15 - 16:00)


star clusters: ongoing surveys [Rasio]


Eva K. Grebel (16:00 - 16:20)
The Star Clusters of the Magellanic Clouds


Gayandhi De Silva (16:30 - 16:50)
The GALAH survey


Joachim Vanderbeke (17:00 - 17:20)
Galactic Globular Cluster Catalog (G2C2) and its applications


Andrea Dieball (17:30 - 17:50)
Hunting Brown Dwarfs in Globular Clusters




Thursday, June 5


compact stellar remnants in globular/open clusters [Ivanova, Strader, Davies, Banerjee]


Jay Strader (09:00 - 09:20)
Black holes in Milky Way globular clusters


Matthew Benacquista (09:30 - 09:50)
Globular Clusters as Sources of Gravitational Waves


Tea/coffee break (10:00 - 10:45)


Mirek Giersz (10:45 - 11:05)
Can black holes be formed in dynamic interactions in star clusters?


Sverre Aarseth (11:15 - 11:35)
Tidal disruptions by stellar mass black holes


Christian Knigge (11:45 - 12:05)
Cataclysmic Variables in Globular Clusters


Lunch break (12:15 - 13:45)


Natalia Ivanova (13:45 - 14:05)
Formation of low-mass X-ray binaries in globular clusters


Barbara Lanzoni (14:15 - 14:35)
Searching for IMBHs in Galactic globular clusters


Tea/coffee break (14:45 - 15:30)


Michela Mapelli (15:30 - 15:50)
The impact of three-body encounters on the demographics of X-ray binaries in young star clusters


Thomas Tauris (16:00 - 16:20)
Formation of a triple millisecond pulsar with two white dwarf companions


AMUSEment with many-body systems [Grebel]


Simon Portegies Zwart (16:30 - 16:50)


Nora Lützgendorf (17:00 - 17:20)
Testing black-hole accretion from stellar winds in star clusters using AMUSE




Friday, June 6


dwarf galaxies/UCDs: origin and kinematics [Hilker, Kroupa, Pawlowski]


Michael Hilker (09:00 - 09:20)
Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies: observational constraints on their origin


Holger Baumgardt (09:30 - 09:50)
Ultracompact dwarf galaxy formation in cosmological simulations


Tea/coffee break (10:00 - 10:45)


Sylvia Ploeckinger (10:45 - 11:05)
The chemo-dynamical evolution of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies


Steffen Mieske (11:15 - 11:35)
Massive black holes in UCDs as relics of their progenitors? Clues from internal dynamics


Mike Fellhauer (11:45 - 12:05)
Life and death of a hero - Modelling Hercules


Lunch (12:15 - 13:45)


Marcel Pawlowski (13:45 - 14:05)
Globular Clusters in relation to the VPOS of the Milky Way


Jörg Dabringhausen (14:15 - 14:35)
A varying IMF in ultra-compact dwarf galaxies


Tea/coffee break (14:45 - 15:30)


Ricardo Salinas (15:30 - 15:50)
The initial mass function of bulge clusters


Concluding remarks (16:00 - 16:30) [Kroupa, Banerjee]


Conclusion with Beer (16:30 - 18:30)