Research groups at the AIfA

Athena satellite © ESA

Dark Energy Team

Prof. Dr. Thomas Reiprich

We study cosmology, galaxy clusters, and supermassive black holes over a range of wavelengths including X-ray, optical, and radio data.

© Tafreshi, for ESO Observatory

Radio Astronomy & Interstellar Medium

Prof. Dr. Frank Bigiel

Our group focuses on observational studies of the distribution and the physical properties of gas and dust and their role in the star formation process in galaxies.

Euclid spacecraft illustration © ESA

Gravitational Lensing and Cosmology

Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider

Gravitational Lensing and Cosmology; Theory and observations of weak and cluster lensing, Dark matter and Dark Energy

Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST)
© AIfA

Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter Astronomy

Prof. Dr. Frank Bertoldi

Star formation, galaxy evolution, ISM in galaxies, observational cosmology

© Jürgen Kerp

Radio- and X-Ray Astronomy

PD. Dr. Jürgen Kerp

The scientific interest of the group is focused onto two very different wavelength regimes. However, the combined analysis offers a wealth of information about the physical conditions of the objects of interest, ranging from the Milky Way to active galaxies.

© AIfA

The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

Prof. Dr. Cristiano Porciani

Cosmology, Galaxy Clustering, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Physics of the Intergalactic Medium, Structure of Dark-Matter Halos and Galaxy Formation.


Stellar Astrophysics

Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer

Research topics include the evolution of single and binary stars, nucleosynthesis, supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, and stellar and circumstellar hydrodynamics.

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